Full Glitz and Gorgeousness

Well don’t we RNA folks scrub up well?
The cocktail party launch for Loves Me, Loves Me Not had all of us in full glitz and gorgeousness… and that was just the boys. The venue was the Cavalry and Guards Club on Piccadilly - an appropriately glam location hung all about with portraits of horse-mounted battles, medal-decked generals and Men in Uniform.
Drink flowed. Phil Weedon very wisely photographed all the contributors on the staircase from above for max glamour/ slenderness impact and speeches were generous, warm and… short.
A fab ‘do’ all round – friendly, fun as well as thoroughly and deservedly celebratory. As I left, I went upstairs to collect my coat and came across a large gathering of dinner-jacketed men. Obviously I couldn’t help imagining them in uniform, scarlet jackets, swords, plumed headgear, gleaming boots… on horseback. Mmmmm….